Decision-ready climate analytics. At your fingertips.
Gain insights relevant to your business.
Use metrics to assess business impacts from all perils at multiple customizable return periods and thresholds, all contextualized in scores and benchmarks by region.
Have exceptional planning precision.
Never miss out on the latest scientific advancements, put through rigorous vetting and granular enhancement to provide forward-looking insights while maintaining full transparency into our methodologies.
Make bold, evidence-based decisions.
Engage with a trusted partner who adds immeasurable value. Jupiter knows climate and data science. Jupiter knows business. And we can help you see around the curves.
Hit the ground running on resilience.
Quickly take action on the insights provided by contextualized data scoring and metrics. Select the metrics that are most appropriate for your assets’ vulnerabilities, and the specific timescales or scenarios that matter for your business.
ClimateScore Intelligence Platform
Transparency & robust validation and verification
Jupiter’s Report Cards and Confidence Scores summarize verification processes and communicate confidence levels. These Report Cards and Scores employ both visual and automated checks that integrate scientific judgment from the company’s global scientific experts, both internally and externally, and quantitative accuracy metrics. Hierarchical verification tests, from simple to complex, produce confidence indicators that in turn are evaluated against acceptance criteria and summarized in the Report Cards.
Peer-reviewed climate models used in novel ways
Jupiter’s proprietary deployment and modeling layers account for the complex dynamics of climate change impacts to provide hyper-local weather and climate-based risk analyses and probabilistic predictions from one hour to more than 50 years in the future.
AI and machine learning
Jupiter incorporates AI and machine learning to automatically and continually improve its dynamic models, reduce local biases of scientific simulations, and accelerate information delivery. The company carefully integrates AI while preserving explainability, especially for regulatory compliance.
Flexible user interface
Risk analytics are available on demand via a SaaS application or API, or via consulting engagements.
"Jupiter allows us to identify, mitigate, and manage our clients’ climate-related risks with new products and services."
"We’re looking to Jupiter and ClimateScore Global to help us model probable impacts of perils from extreme weather at hyperlocal resolution, based on different emissions scenarios."

"By adding Jupiter’s climate risk analytics into our integrated grid planning process, we are significantly advancing our ability to make better decisions about the need, location, and timing of investment to cost effectively provide the level of electric system resilience our customers expect."