ClimateScore Global

Portfolio & Asset-Level Physical Risk Analysis
With its best-in-science, decision-ready analytics, ClimateScore Global quantifies the physical risks to your business caused by climate change. It empowers you to mitigate impacts on your operational and financial performance, comply with climate regulations, and build resilience – worldwide.

see your total risk from all perils. anywhere. anytime
ClimateScore Global is the most complete physical climate risk solution available. With access to over 22,000 peril and loss metrics, you can run multiple scenario analyses of any peril worldwide, in 5-year increments from now to the year 2100. Access to the best metric for your specific need (not the “next best”) eliminates unnecessary uncertainty in your projections and reporting.

Understand Climate Risk With Scores
Immediately appreciate what climate risk to your portfolio means for your business. ClimateScore Global’s hazard scores consider both your current risk as well as the change in your risk over time – and whether that change is significant – relevant to benchmarks for your location.

Reveal Your Immediate and Long-Term Financial Exposure To Events
The chain of events that follow both chronic and acute weather events can have devastating consequences to your business reputation and future financial stability. ClimateScore Global provides a comprehensive assessment of the direct financial impact of physical climate change on your operational, market, and credit risk.

Jupiter AI™
ClimateScore Global's artificial intelligence agent—Jupiter AI™—represents a quantum leap in understanding physical climate risk, bringing speed and simplicity to how you access, analyze, and act on complex climate data.
By breaking down the barriers of traditional data delivery, Jupiter AI exponentially accelerates time to value.
Simply ask curated questions about your climate risk; and within seconds, you get tailored, downloadable visualizations of your risk data. Jupiter AI accelerates intelligence gathering and analysis, and enables dynamic, efficient decision-making by allowing you to immediately interact with your data within the chat interface.
Economic Impact
Secure your financial future against climate change with ClimateScore Global’s economic impact metrics. Understand the direct financial impact of physical climate risk to your operational, market and credit risk. Easily integrate those impacts into your financial projections and reveal how climate change will both intensify your existing portfolio risks and create new ones.

Never let climate induced weather events catch you off guard. ClimateScore Global offers unparalleled metrics so you can keep your operations running smoothly, no matter the climate condition.
Market valuations often miss the "climate variable." We bridge that gap. Our financial impact metric suite intelligently adjusts your asset values to factor in climate risks. Make well-informed decisions, backed by data science.

ClimateScore Global predicts how physical climate risk impacts key credit risk parameters. Predict the probability of credit default related to climate risk before it becomes a financial catastrophe.
ClimateScore Global Flood
ClimateScore Global Flood, Jupiter’s advanced flood model, produces worldwide historical, current, and future flood hazards. Leveraging cutting-edge advancements from the global scientific community and Jupiter’s own team of world-class scientists, CSG Flood™ delivers your risk at flexible resolutions anywhere on the Earth’s land surface.
Combine fluvial, pluvial, and coastal modeling, both defended and undefended, to view your total flood risk.


Available in 3 resolution ranges, CSG Flood has the flexibility to assess your flood risk from the portfolio to the asset level.
CSG Flood™
- Resolution: 90 meters
- Best used for regulatory disclosures, portfolio level risk assessment.
- Comes standard with all ClimateScore Global packages.
- Globally available.
CSG Flood™ Plus
- Resolution: 10 - 20 meters
- Best used for underwriting, industrial, exposure.
- Available as an upgrade or as a standalone product.
- Available in the US, EU, UK now. Canada Japan, and Australia soon.
CSG Flood™ Focus
- Resolution: 1 - 3 meters
- Best used for single facility risk engineering, individual asset risk assessment.
- Available as an update or as a standalone product.
- Globally available.
ClimateScore Global Wildfire
Understand your hazard and loss risk with the world’s first global wildfire model
ClimateScore™ Global Wildfire produces breakthrough historical, current, and future wildfire risk analysis at 90-meter resolutions anywhere on Earth’s inhabited land surface—leveraging cutting-edge advancements from the global scientific community and Jupiter’s own team of world-class climate experts.
Revolutionizing Wildfire Risk Assessment
Derived from the US Forest Service’s WRC data, Jupiter simulates fire events using extensive geospatial data.

By leveraging climate data, Jupiter adapts the annual burn probabilities to future climate conditions.

Jupiter’s model leverages real-world data from recent wildfires to assess financial losses, adapting to various asset attributes.

Jupiter’s model is equipped to handle various emissions scenarios all over the planet, aligning with other Jupiter metrics.
*Except for Antarctica

At 90-meter resolution, Jupiter’s model delivers more precise risk projections so companies can plan better.

Jupiter’s projections take into account the various types of surrounding environmental factors, which make a significant difference in prediction.

Quantify your potential losses from wildfire worldwide, at high resolution using groundbreaking metrics
Put Jupiter’s Gold Standard Science to Your Advantage
Quality Out.
Paired with a Jupiter expert that specializes in your industry, we will work together to assess your needs and determine the best-in-science physical climate risk analytics approach for your organization.
talk to an expert