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September 11, 2022

ClimateScore Global Significantly Expands Metrics for Heat, Chronic Winds, and Precipitation


29 added metrics enable new risk management and resiliency use cases—and address emerging disclosure requirements

by Meghan Purdy
Lead Climate Product Manager
Jupiter Intelligence

From its conception, Jupiter ClimateScore™ Global has been designed around a few important user-centric principles.

One is decision usefulness—to offer data and insights that answer customers’ fundamental questions. How will a full range of severe climate-change-driven perils affect my global asset portfolio? How will this change over time? What financial damage could these events inflict? How can I better optimize risk management, disclosure, and resiliency processes?

Another is freedom and flexibility—to give customers access to the broadest and deepest set of climate metrics available, freeing them from being “pigeon-holed” and empowering them to harness the metrics that are most appropriate and valid to address their strategic objectives, use cases, asset vulnerabilities, and holding periods.

We’ve kept these principles in our sights throughout the series of enhancements we’ve made to ClimateScore Global. The latest release, 2.7, is a dramatic example.

It features 29 new metrics covering three chronic perils— heat, winds, and precipitation. They include annual maximum and average temperature, monthly average temperature, annual maximum and average wind speed, annual accumulated precipitation, and monthly accumulated precipitation. With these new metrics, ClimateScore Global 2.7 now encompasses 75 measurements that help users quantify their future exposure to physical climate risk.

The new metrics unlock key use cases in several different areas, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. They also will enable customers to better respond to global regulatory requirements.

For example, customers can use monthly precipitation data to identify shorter but more intense rainy seasons. They can use annual max wind speed alongside more acute wind speeds (from the 10-year through the 500-year return periods) to set design thresholds for critical infrastructure. Finally, these metrics will be helpful to users subject to EU Taxonomy reporting, which asks for an assessment of general temperature, wind, and precipitation patterns.

With insights from ClimateScore Global, companies can better incorporate climate risk into their overall enterprise risk management strategy—and respond to demands from regulators and shareholders. The latest release is another huge step forward for what we believe is the industry’s foremost portfolio-level climate risk assessment tool.

To see ClimateScore Global in action, click here to book a demo.

Meghan Purdy is a Senior Product Manager at Jupiter Intelligence.

Jupiter Intelligence is the global leader in climate analytics for resilience and risk management. For further information, please contact us at

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